Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Cécile Dobrzynski [corresponding member] , Algiane Froehly.

MMG3D is a tetrahedral fully automatic remesher. Starting from a tetrahedral mesh, it produces quasi-uniform meshes with respect to a metric tensor field. This tensor prescribes a length and a direction for the edges, so that the resulting meshes will be anisotropic. The software is based on local mesh modifications and an anisotropic version of Delaunay kernel is implemented to insert vertices in the mesh. Moreover, MMG3D allows one to deal with rigid body motion and moving meshes. When a displacement is prescribed on a part of the boundary, a final mesh is generated such that the surface points will be moved according this displacement. MMG3D is used in particular in GAMMA for their mesh adaptation developments, but also at EPFL (maths department), Dassault Aviation, Lemma (a french SME), etc. MMG3D can be used in FreeFem++ (http://www.freefem.org ), a free software which eases the solving of PDEs and in Gmsh (http://geuz.org/gmsh/ ). More details can be found on http://www.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/~dobj/logiciels/mmg3d.php .

A new version of MMG3D is under development. The big novelty of this version is the modification of the surface triangulation. A. Froehly, ingenieer in the FUI Rodin, is working on this new version.